Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Knitting Has Gotten Out of Hand

When I woke up this morning the first thing I saw was yarn and knitting needles. Then I started counting works in progress. Yikes! There were seven projects within reach and 5 more that were hiding in a box just out of sight.

Granted 4 of these projects just need to be sewn together and have the ends woven in to be complete. For one I need a larger circular needle than I have right now. One I ran out of yarn and am trying to figure out how to work around that; the dye lots I can find are way off the original, so the handle may get a new color. I cast on a pair of socks for Ashley to knit this weekend that somehow ended up back in my pile of knitting even though I'm positive that I gave them to her and showed her how to do it.

For some reason there is something in my head that just can't wait to start the next new project. Who cares if there are a dozen in varying stages of completion waiting my attention? It must be a sickness, but is there a cure? Help!

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