Kittens anyone? We now have 9. The other litter is grays and blacks, with a bobtail orange.
The first time I saw the apple tree in full bloom it took my breath away, it was so beautiful, but the photo of the whole tree didn’t do it justice.
In our family there is nothing that says spring more than having weather nice enough to play with the horses again. Tori got her very own horse for her birthday and is loving it. He just rolled in the pond so he isn’t his usual pretty gray color, more like mud.
Foodwise, spring is great. Lettuce and spinach are ready to eat. The hens are laying three or four eggs a day, so we have more than we can eat right now. And best of all the asparagus is just popping through the ground. This bed was planted last year, so we shouldn’t eat it till next year, but I did steal a few shoots from this plant for a quiche, since they were a really nice size.
The bees were really buzzing around this redbud tree when I was wandering around taking pictures. Minnie and I were talking about the different winters that
all of them. The first cold spell we got the pears were blooming, but neither of us had ever heard of Pear Winter. The next cold spell coincided with the redbuds blooming, so that was Redbud Winter. This cold spell we’re having right now the dogwoods are blooming, so Dogwood Winter. The others coming up should be Locust Winter and last of all will be Blackberry Winter. Has anyone heard of any others? Neither of us could come up with seven. But in all the years I’ve watched this it holds true almost every year.
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